Wow just like that and my baby is one! I have been a little emotional this week thinking about it. Thinking of how truly fast time has gone! Elias and I were talking about it last night and he described it perfectly. He said, "I know time has always gone this fast but seeing it right in front of your eyes just reiterates that!" It is so true! Seeing a little teeny tiny human go from being able to barely open her eyes to running around, speaking and giving the best loves is just mind blowing!
The love you have for your own child is seriously indescribable. No really.. I can't describe it! Ha ha I use to hear people say "I love them so much I could eat them" and I honestly get that now. They push your button and are so naughty sometimes and then you put them down for a nap and you already miss them. You take COUNTLESS photos of them sleeping.. because they literally look like an angel. You would do anything in the world for a hug or kiss from them. You are excited at the littlest things they do and exaggerate their accomplishments. You are obsessed with buying them clothes, shoes and tiny socks. You always try to figure out who they look like or where they got certain traits, you can't control telling them you love them one million times a day, you would do ANYTHING in the world for them!!
Elsie you made me feel all these emotions for the first time because YOU made me a mother! I am so grateful for you and that you were my first born. I know that although the first time we met on earth was a year ago today, we have known each other forever. Heavenly father knew that you would be perfect for daddy and I! You are the perfect mix of us and although you and daddy have your special bond I know that you will always be my little side kick. I love you!
You are running all over the house and leaving messes wherever you go
You love pulling tissues, ziplock bags, towels, socks, clothes, (anything really) out of drawers and boxes as if you were a magicial pulling never ending hankerchiefs
You have stopped nursing, which has made you oh so clingly to mom
(I hoped that you would be more cuddly when you were done, and you sure are!)
You love drinking from straws
You love wrestling with daddy
You suck your thumb more than ever
You love pizza and lasagna and pancakes
You scream between every bite of food because we don't feed you fast enough
You sleep 8:30 PM to 9 AM
You love the book Dear Zoo
You are AWFUL at church
You are ticklish on your thighs and under your chin
You pull your shoes off instantly
You love playing with other kids
You still hate being restrained
Elsie Girl
Missy Girl
her 1 year checkup is this week so we will get exact measurements but
Shirt size 12-18 (sleeves are still too short sometimes)
pant size 12-18 waist band too bit
diapers 3
she is a TALL SKINNY little thing
sucking her thumb
sitting in her basket
throwing things over her shoulder
putting things around her neck
carrying things in her mouth
creaks in our old house (she gets so scared)
getting water poured on her head
bottles :/
not eating while we're eating
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