
10 months old

Time has seriously flown! 10 months already?? It's insane. But honestly I love it, I absolutely love Elsie growing up she just gets more and more fun! Being her mom is the absolute best and I am so glad that I get to be with her all day every day!
(for a ton of hilarious photos of elsie keep scrolling)

You chew on everything like a little puppy dog. Your current favorite is cardboard
You love food and yell and scream till we give you whatever we are eating
You love playing in the bathroom and throwing everything into the tub
You talk all day long
You go to sleep easier than any baby I have ever met! We tuck you in, you smile and stick that thumb in your mouth and you are out
You entertain yourself so well
You give the slobberiest kisses
You stand on your own
You will take a few steps and then get scared (we are SHOCKED you aren't full walking yet)
You basically run around our house holding onto everything though!
You love love love when your daddy gets home from work!!
You say mama and dadda
You get SO silly late at night and we LOVE it!
You are IMPOSSIBLE to change!
You are starting to like snuggles!!!!!! Mama is sooooo happy about this!

mum mums
rice cakes
drinking through a straw
trash cans

being cold
being changed
being restrained
getting in her carseat

6-12 month clothes (but need to up to 12-18 pants!!)
size 3 diapers

2 bottom teeth
2 upper teeth broken through
2 upper teeth cutting





Elsie Girl

Elsie girl we love you so so much! We love how big you are getting, how smart you are and how absolutely hilarious you are! We love those slobber kisses and those belly laughs. Not to mention that belly and those cheeks!


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