
8 Months

Every month i'm in disbelief that our little baby is month older. Like 8 months, are you kidding me??? She is so old, but as much as it makes me sad I ABSOLUTELY love it! I love seeing Elsie learn and grow and I love seeing her personality develop.

Elsie you....

Are soooo sweet in the mornings and definitely the most chill

You are crawling SO fast

You love playing with non-toys such as empty water bottles and plastic

You are a foodie and love anything we give you

You know when you are doing something you aren't supposed to and it is hilarious

Changing you is almost impossible

You smile at anyone and everyone but when they smile back you get shy

You are starting to become a Mommy's girl

You love playing with other baby's and kids

You are pretty terrible at church :/

At night you are HILARIOUS and have so much energy. Mommy and Daddy will be tired and ready for bed and you just crawl all over us

You bite really hard

You still only have 2 teeth but I think you are going to get more soon

You pull yourself up effortlessly and walk along all of our furniture

You are learning to wave "hi!" 

You get really distracted while nursing

Daddy is your favorite he makes you laugh constantly and you are SO excited when he gets home

You give slobbery kisses but they have to be on your terms

waking up
watching daddy do anything
throwing cheerios
blowing raspberries
putting everything in your mouth

going to bed
getting toys taken away
forced kisses
diaper changes/clothes changes
being in a room alone



3 diapers
3-6, 6-12 Shirts and Onesies
6-12 months leggings and pants (tall and skinny!!)

Elsie you are my number one girl! I love your personality and kissing your cheeks. I love seeing you and Daddy play and I love that BIG smile!!!


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