
All Hallows Eve Wrap Up

This Halloween was complete with; Nacho Libre, melted hash browns and eating some bloody fingers!  Yes we really encountered all of that.  Buuuttt let me explain.

Elias and I both work boring 8-5 jobs which makes plans tight sometimes, especially where we live roughly 15 minutes away from everyone and everything in our lives!  So we got off work and ran straight to the grocery store to buy breakfast foods and some apples! (this autumn we have really loved apples, and take one to work everyday) and then headed straight over to the Green Estate's (my in-laws house) to see the HIGHLY anticipated costumes of our neice, nephews and my youngest brother in law.  And can I just say we were not let down when we saw them!

Frankenstein: aka our oldest nephew Will, check out that square head and those boots!!

Nachoooooooo Libre: aka our nephew Reed, knee patches and all :)

Kip Dynamaite: aka my youngest brother in law and Junior class pres. at Layton High School Graham. He loves technology... but not as much as you, you see.

Rapunzel: aka our favorite aka our only niece on the Green side Elle, look at that sweet hair!  My awesome sister in law made those lucious locks!

Ferocious Tiger: aka our youngest of nieces and nephews Baby John.  He was born right around our wedding back in september so I think I will always associate him with that!

Elephant: aka Lucia the only neice or nephew on the Iannone side.  We weren't able to see her in person, but she looked stinkin cute!

Thor: aka Rafe (around the same age Nacho) this little guy went through all of the super heros till he landed on thor.  Due to his similar looks a awesome locks of blonde hair.

80's Rocker: aka my little sister (on the left) we had to drive around the neighborhood to track these ladies down.  This was a monumental year for Bella-- first year trick or treating without dad. 

After getting the low down on everyone's costumes, eating some bloody fingers, that I heard are made evvvery year, and eating some "Loaded potato soup" which was incredible, at the Green's, we then headed over the my parents house. When we pulled up everyone in our neighborhood was sitting out on their own porches handing out the candy to the kids.  My Dad was sad he wasn't taking Bella around, but he also expressed how happy he was to be able to sit there with his wife this year! (they are always so cute) There we snagged some pizza and headed out to our next destination on our halloween tour (keep in mind our groceries are still in the car; hence, the melted hashbrowns).

Next on our tour was my Grandparents house up in North Ogden (the Ivies), there we were pumped full with more candy, the family gossip and some me telling some memories/stories from my grandparents house, seriously you feel the sweetest spirit when you are there.  We rarely see them, but when we do I really enjoy it, they are such sweet people and I look up to them, and their marriage so much!

On our way back home to finally get home and get our groceries in the fridge we had a failed attempt to see my mom at her work! But no worries we will wish her a Happy Halloween this sunday for my brother's birthday.
To finish off the night we sped over to Tinseltown to see the movie Taken 2 with 2 of my brother in-laws, their wives, and my father in law. (We also ran into Elias's best friend Marcus and his date) and all of us were the only people in the theatre. But much to our surprise we REALLY enjoyed the movie! You go Liam Neeson!
It was a great night, but what stuck out to Elias and I the most was that as you get older Halloween loses it's magic.  Elias and I have had many conversations on how much Halloween changes when you get older and how it truly does lose it's innocent fun.  But last night made us remember how fun it is for kids.  Seeing those kids with big smiles on their faces, and anticipating walking door to door to fill their buckets with candy is so fun!  I can't wait till we have little ones of our own to experience that with and to create that magic for!  But until then we will enjoy seeing if from our siblings kids!

Bloody fingers


All in all it was a great holiday!  But we are extremely excited for November :) The month of thanks!  And to start it off I am extremely thankful for ALL of my family!  Look at them, how could I not be?


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