
4 months


Oh my gosh how is my little Elsie girl 4 months old?? 

You squeal and squack constantly 

You still aren't laughing! Which is crazy because you are the most smiley baby I've ever seen!! And you will do like one chuckle but that's it 

You grab faces and hair like it's your day job

You are too independent for your own good! 

You always want to be sitting up or standing

You love your toys, especially Sophie and Larry the lamb

You still love your binky and sucking your thumb is so natural 

You love to be part of the party! 

You roll all over!! 

You literally NEVER stop moving unless you are asleep

You are 0 to 100 when it comes to being mad

You are either happy or mad there isn't really an in between

You started pooping less? Ha ha

You are so smart! Figuring out how to push the binky back in your mouth

You are TOO smart, you know when you are being put in your bouncer or carseat and fight sooo hard, thrashing and moving in anyway so we can buckle you in 

Blankets on your face
Being free
When daddy beat boxes
Sophie & Larry
Car rides

Her bouncer chair
Getting into her car seat
When people hold her like a new born
Being hungry
Gas bubbles
Being cuddled when she's awake

Diapers size 2
Clothes size 3-6 months

Measurements: I'll have to update later her doctor is booked a month out :(

Elsie girl
Stink bug
Spike ninja warrior (ha ha ha)

We love you Elsie Jane! Stop getting so big 


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