
2 months old!

this picture was taken after she got her shots

You are getting so chunky!

I'm 99.9% sure your eyes are going to stay blue :)

You are soooooo smiley (you have your daddy's big ol smile) and cooing like crazy.

You especially love talking and smiling at Daddy

"Spike" has stuck and it is not just Daddy that calls you it

You have grown out of all of your newborn sized stuff and some of your 0-3

You are incredibly alert and notice colorful toys and things that make funny noises

You love your bink! But if you don't have it... you finally found your thumb!

Length: 22.6" 59%
Weight: 11.35 lbs. 64%
Head: 38.7 cm 48%

Stretching is still a big part of you day

You sleep pretty much all through the night, usually 11-5 or 6 

You hair is still gorgeous and you haven't gotten a bald spot!

You rolled over! (you must have been in just the PERFECT position)

Your neck and legs are getting really strong. You love looking around and standing

Elsie girl you get more and more fun every. single. day!
Daddy and I love you sooooo much :)

Thanks for being an amazing baby


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